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1 /*
2 * Created on Feb 21, 2003
3 *
4 * To change this generated comment go to
5 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template
6 */
7 package net.sf.fastxmldb.utils;
9 import net.sf.fastxmldb.impl.DatabaseImpl;
11 /***
12 * @author jbirchfield
13 */
14 public interface FastXMLDBConstants {
16 /***
17 * The Fast XMLDB databse URI prefix
18 */
19 public static final String DATABASE_URI_PREFIX = "xmldb:fastxmldb:";
21 /***
22 * The URI for the default collection
23 */
24 public static final String DEFAULT_COLLECTION_URI =
25 DATABASE_URI_PREFIX + "///db/";
27 /***
28 * The class name used to instantiate the XMLDB database
29 */
30 public static final String FAST_XMLDB_DATABASE_CLASSNAME =
31 DatabaseImpl.class.getName();
32 }
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